14 Ene ACD LA HOYA – Kick-off Meeting of the European project EURASAN Capacity Building
On January 8th 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece was the venue for the kick-off meeting within the EURASAN Capacity Building project hosted by AENAO (Center of non formal education) coordinator of the project.
Eduardo Macia Agullo (Coordinator of ACD LA HOYA) came together with leaders of the partner countries in the project ( SJ Vietnam (Vietnam) , DISHA International Foundation Trust (India) , Campaign for Change Nepal (Nepal) , Reményt a Gyermekeknek /Hope for Children Hungary (Hungary)) for an intensive six days meeting from 8th to 13th of January 2018.
EurAsian Social ActiveNation (EUASAN) aims to foster trans-continental cooperation in community development (CD) between countries and organizations of Europe (Greece, Spain, Hungary) and Asia (India, Nepal, Vietnam).
EUASAN comprises of 5 interrelated events (1 Kick off meeting, 2 Training Courses, 1 local implementation in home countries and 1 Final Evaluation meeting) and it will last a total 2 years 2017- 2019.
The overall aim is to foster development of communities (marginalized, school, rural area, volunteering and young people with fewer opportunities) by using two interrelated methods a) non-formal education (NFE) for self-development and leadership skills enhancement b) education through sport (ETS).
Beyond EuAsan development between the 6 partners each organization shares common fields of work area where new practices and tools offered by NFE and ETS will add extra value to fostering community engagement, social inclusion, active participation and citizenship. ETS methodology was chosen as it consists of the integration and implementation of sport elements to be used for educational purpose to address social issues, develop social competences and provoke a lasting social transformation.
EUASAN capacity building project will develop communities on two level: 1) European and Asian youth leaders/workers to build intercultural relations and understanding between these 2 regions 2) within the organizations and their field of work. Participants to gain necessary skills and become trainers/facilitators to involve communities and turn them into active and happy citizens by creating platforms/activities for inclusion.
During the kick of meeting all partners have discussed and agreed on important future steps according project objectives, we talk and discuss about activities, responsibilities, dimensions of collaboration in terms of: research goals, themes, timing (schedule), prepare the first draft of the trainings that will be developed, develop the dissemination plan, Communication Plan, talk about logistics and share their expectations about the project