Por aqui os dejamos el artículo que han escrito los jóvenes que han representado al ACD LA HOYA en el torneo de League of Legends dentro del proyecto “GAMING FOR BOOSTING SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT” el cuál ha tenido lugar en Praga (República Checa). Nuestros jóvenes han participado junto a países como Eslovenia, República Checa, Italia, Portugal y Letonia.Artículo 04/05/2022Ayer empezamos el día desayunando en el hotel en el que nos alojamos. Luego nos dirigimos a conocer a nuestros compañeros y hacer algunas actividades de presentación, con la asistencia de Iva y Tom que nos explicaron todo lo que conlleva la organización de Erasmus +. Por la tarde nos reunimos de nuevo con todos y fuimos a dar un paseo por Praga. Hicimos un poco de turismo y conocimos todos los edificios históricos. Hoy se ha celebrado el torneo en la zona de habilidad de Game Studio. Todos los países del grupo han participado en él y se han divertido mucho.
Por aqui os dejamos el artículo que han escrito los jóvenes que han representado al ACD LA HOYA en el torneo de League of Legends dentro del proyecto “GAMING FOR BOOSTING SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT” el cuál ha tenido lugar en Praga (República Checa). Nuestros jóvenes han participado junto a países como Eslovenia, República Checa, Italia, Portugal y Letonia.Artículo 05/05/2022Hoy ha sido la última jornada de este proyecto. El torneo ha finalizado con el partido de Letonia contra la República Checa y ha sido dirigido por Jose y Eduard. Hemos jugado algunos partidos con equipos mixtos y nos hemos ayudado mutuamente. Para concluir el día nos hemos despedido de todos y hemos grabado un video y tomado algunas fotos para enviar apoyo a Ucrania.
Here you have the article written by the young people who have represented ACD LA HOYA in the League of Legends tournament within the project “GAMING FOR BOOSTING SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT” which has taken place in Prague (Czech Republic). Our young people have participated together with countries such as Slovenia, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal and Latvia.Article 04/05/2022Yesterday we started the day having breakfast at the hotel where we stayed. We then headed off to meet our classmates and do some introductory activities, with the assistance of Iva and Tom who explained everything that is involved in the organisation of Erasmus+. In the afternoon we met up with everyone again and went for a walk around Prague. We did some sightseeing and saw all the historical buildings. Today the tournament was held in the skill area of Game Studio. All the countries in the group took part in it and had a lot of fun.
Here you have the article written by the young people who have represented ACD LA HOYA in the League of Legends tournament within the project “GAMING FOR BOOSTING SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT” which has taken place in Prague (Czech Republic). Our young people have participated together with countries such as Slovenia, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal and Latvia.Article 05/05/2022Today was the last day of this project. The tournament has ended with the match of Latvia against Czech Republic and has been directed by Jose and Eduard. We have played some matches with mixed teams and we have helped each other. To conclude the day we have said goodbye to everyone and we have recorded a video and taken some pictures to send support to Ukraine.
Here you have the article written by the young people who have represented ACD LA HOYA in the League of Legends tournament within the project “GAMING FOR BOOSTING SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT” which has taken place in Prague (Czech Republic). Our young people have participated together with countries such as Slovenia, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal and Latvia.Article 04/05/2022Yesterday we started the day having breakfast at the hotel where we stayed. We then headed off to meet our classmates and do some introductory activities, with the assistance of Iva and Tom who explained everything that is involved in the organisation of Erasmus+. In the afternoon we met up with everyone again and went for a walk around Prague. We did some sightseeing and saw all the historical buildings. Today the tournament was held in the skill area of Game Studio. All the countries in the group took part in it and had a lot of fun.
Here you have the article written by the young people who have represented ACD LA HOYA in the League of Legends tournament within the project “GAMING FOR BOOSTING SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT” which has taken place in Prague (Czech Republic). Our young people have participated together with countries such as Slovenia, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal and Latvia.Article 05/05/2022Today was the last day of this project. The tournament has ended with the match of Latvia against Czech Republic and has been directed by Jose and Eduard. We have played some matches with mixed teams and we have helped each other. To conclude the day we have said goodbye to everyone and we have recorded a video and taken some pictures to send support to Ukraine.