25 Jul FINAL MEETING “Traditional dances for social integration and development of soft skills”
The final meeting of the project “Traditional dances for social integration and development of soft skills” took place in Istanbul, Turkey between 20-22/07/2022.
The project ”Traditional dances as a tool for social integration and development of soft skills” aims to introduce European traditional dances as a tool for social inclusion of disadvantaged groups in society and to promote them as an alternative form of physical exercise.
The objectives of the project are:1. The reinforcement of the interest of the citizens to learn traditional dances.2. The inclusion of people from different backgrounds (seniors, migrants, long-term unemployed etc) in dancing activities, by supporting the education in and through traditional dances in an open and safe environment where everyone can freely participate and develop their social, civic and soft skills.3. The preservation of the cultural identity which plays a highly significant role in the society’s cultural development.4. The use of traditional dances as a tool of intercultural and intergenerational dialogue.During this project, the partner organizations exchanged cultural characteristics and they created a manual for the integration of people with fewer opportunities in the community.
We would like to thank all the partners for their contribution to the project and their excellent cooperation.Hellas for Us, GreeceKargenc Kulubu, TurkeyWalkTogether, BulgariaNavissos, SerbiaAcd LA Hoya Redes Sociales, Spain
If you want to keep up to date with all achievements of our project, please follow our social media or find more information at the official website www.eutraditionaldances.com