12 Sep Move your body and protect your mental health
Articulo Pablo Alicante del proyecto “KA152 Youth exchange – Move your body and protect your mental health”El proyecto en Colonia ha sido una experiencia distintiva para mi. Durante el transcurso de los días he tenido la posibilidad de hablar con gente de Bulgaria, Portugal, Países Bajos,Hungría y Alemania, de los cuales he conocido otros puntos de vista respecto como vivimos cada uno la pandemia y como afrontamos los problemas. Al ser el tópico principal delproyecto la Salud Mental muchas de las actividades abrían espacio a reflexionar sobre cómo nuestras acciones y pensamientos condicionan el modo en el que vemos las cosas, y para mí personalmente ha sido verdaderamente gratificante haber participado en ello.Por otra parte, conocer diferentes culturas de diferentes países, ya que varios participantes (además de los países mencionados anteriormente) venían desde Nigeria, Pakistán,Turquía o Rusia, ha sido genial. No solo hablando sobre temas de actualidad si no también conociendo personalmente a cada uno de ellos y coincidir con compañeros de otrosproyectos en el pasado han sido de mis cosas favoritas durante estos días.Además, durante los ratos libres he podido ver gran parte de la ciudad, la catedral o la fábrica de chocolate allí. Pasear por el río, salir con el resto de participantes e incluso ir a un karaoke. ¡Sin duda una experiencia que me encantaría repetir! : ______Article by Pablo Alicante about the project “KA152 Youth exchange – Move your body and protect your mental health”.The project in Cologne has been a distinctive experience for me. During the course of the days I had the possibility to talk to people from Bulgaria, Portugal, the Netherlands, Hungary and Germany,Hungary and Germany, from whom I got to know other points of view about how we each experience the pandemic and how we deal with the problems. As the main topic of the project isMental Health as the main topic of the project, many of the activities opened space to reflect on how our actions and thoughts condition the way we see things, and for me personally it has been really rewarding to have participated in this.On the other hand, getting to know different cultures from different countries, as several participants (in addition to the countries mentioned above) came from Nigeria, Pakistan,Turkey or Russia, was great. Not only talking about current issues but also getting to know each of them personally and meeting colleagues from other projects in the past have been some of my favourite things.projects in the past have been some of my favourite things during these days.In addition, during the free time I have been able to see much of the city, the cathedral or the chocolate factory there. Walking along the river, hanging out with the other participants and even going to a karaoke – definitely an experience I would love to repeat! : #acdlahoya#ka152ACD#erasmusplus